Thursday, October 2, 2008

Being Successful

I think being successful is really hard. You really have to motivate yourself to work extremely hard and get out of your comfort zone on a day to day basis. As a young man who's going to be a father, I must admit I'm really scared of getting out there and getting my hands dirty.

I own my own business and I must say, if you're going to make it work, you really have to be persistent. It's sad that I've lacked the strength to really get in there and bust my ass for almost two years now. Sure, I've had my days where I've worked hard, but it's all been under the cover of a dark storm cloud about really getting out there and being successful.

In college, everyone almost prides themselves on "just getting by". It's somewhat of an infectious disease, along with laziness and embitterment. It's tough to shake it off and grow up. I've had to grow up a lot in the past few months. Getting married and having a baby will do that to you, I guess.

In school, you're so self-absorbed; absorbed in your own daily drama, absorbed in the lives of your friends and their personal drama, absorbed in your own thoughts about faith, politics, fashion, religion, independence... the list goes on and on! But when you take on raising another life in the responsibility of marriage, things become much harder and much heavier. But I have to get out there and become successful for myself, my wife, and my child. That's the thing, pushing yourself out into the open and becoming vulnerable. That's a hard challenge to face and a hard hill to climb, but some one has to do it!

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