Friday, October 17, 2008

The Brothers Johnson - Stomp

I personally think this may be the greatest funk song ever. I may not be the #1 expert on funk music, but this is certainly my favorite funk song. This and "Get The Funk Out Ma Face", besides everything Sly Stone ever did with Larry Graham. But the bass in "Stomp" is just incredible. Louis "Thunder Thumbs" Johnson is just so incredible. I cannot figure out who's better, Larry Graham or Louis Johnson. Both are equally incredible slab bass players while still being incredibly melodic.

I mean, on one hand, Larry Graham invented modern "slap bass", or as he puts it, "thumpin' and pluckin". But then you have Louis Johnson, who may (or may not) have taken that style into new areas. I mean, Louis Johnson played bass on "Thriller". That's just an immeasurable feat, right there. But then, Larry Graham played with Sly and virutally invented the funk music genre.

As you can see, I haven't made up my mind as to who's better and I may never. Both are equally amazing and inspirational. For someone who's played guitar for about 8 years now, I'm playing bass way more now and don't even consider myself a guitar player anymore, in some respects. But I think there is something absolutely electric about the bass playing in this song, "Stomp". Just listen to the last 20-30 seconds and see if you can't shake your hips a little.

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