Friday, October 17, 2008

Pottery Barn

Damn you, Pottery Barn.

Damn you for being so expensive and yet so... UNBELIEVEABLY PERFECT!

I don't understand just how they can come up with such amazing designs. Especially when it comes to children's nurseries. Although, I will say that I think they have a better grasp on little girls' nurseries rather than boys'. I think that it must be because Pottery Barn is run by mostly women, at least the room/product design is. But if you look at these rooms, they're like a little girl's dream come true. I mean look at all the little details, the shapes, colors, the perfect amount of distress. The wainscoting, the wooden floors, etc. An antique American organic feel.

I really think that Pottery Barn has their finger on the pulse of what Americans want, the so-called "American Dream" of home design. It's really a mix of old world Americana and European stylings (which definitely formed "old world Americana" in the first place). Pottery Barn definitely knows what Americans want their lives to look like.

And the best example of it are these nurseries. I mean just look at how perfect and amazing they are. Just a dream come true.

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