Wow! This episode was actually extremely funny. I loved the parts with Aunt Flavia. At one point, Tom Servo says "Aunt Flava Flav?" It's also hilarious when she's in bed and she keeps muttering actors names like bisexual Will Geer (wiki).
It's almost unbelievable when they should the plastic head they're carrying around so much. So I guess the storyline is that Sir Francis Drake was actually evil and got his head chopped off for being a witch but was somehow immortal. Anyway, they bury the head and a few hundred years later it's found on a farm by a girl who has special powers (can find water with a stick) and make trees fall on people when she thinks they're "EVIL"! So they dig up the head, it starts possessing people, a guy is peeping on a chaste girl with the powers who's sleeping in a bed with the posessed girl, then she (chaste powerful girl) gets possesed and starts wearing a black dress, they ressurrect the head, kill it with an amulet they found SOMEHOW and then they show the chaste girl's breasts, after she turns back to good of course.
This episode was hilarious.
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